Monday, March 28, 2011

This is how I found my daughter after nap. She changed her clothes to stripy shirt, stripy pants and stripy socks. She even has a stripy bunny. Now I just have to find a stripy pacifier.

More stripes later on.

Bowling night

Lillian is a chocoholic

Lillian likes her chocolate (she got that from

Friday, March 25, 2011

My hubby

Just look at this picture and focus on my husband's nose and his hair.

Look at the nose again. Yes, it is broken. He broke it during a basketball game. Or should I say it was shattered. The nose was actually a bit more to the side. Andrew put it back...ahhhhhhhhhhhhh! The little cut you can see was cause by the bone cutting through...grose.

"Surgery" a week later. It took the surgeon only 10 minutes to put it back.

Now, look at the hair again.

What do you call this stage? Midlife crisis? It is kind of cute.