Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Sick, sick, sick

We are sick. Only daddy is still holding up. Oliver is coughing and has a runny nose. Lillian is our problem child. Everytime she get sick her asthma gets really bad. She was up until midnight last night (her breathing treatment makes her hyper). This morning it was so bad that I took her to her doctor. Now she is on oral steroids for 5 days- yeah! That will be interesting. My house will be even more crazy. Poor girl is totally exhausted.
On top of all of this - I lost my voice - totally gone. Never happen to me before. Try to explain in a whispery voice to a almost 2 year old and a 3 1/2 year old that it is not OK to dump water all over the kitchen floor. They are taking me very serious-ha, ha.

Friday, March 19, 2010

One stubborn girl

I got new shoes for Lillian. She is so obsessed with them that she had a major meltdown at nap time because she wanted to wear them in bed.
And.... Mommy caved. She is wearing shoes in bed. Hope she doesn't do this tonight.

By the way, this is me (at age 2?). Look at the sheets. Yes, my daughter sleeps in the same sheets as I did. I was lucky enough that my mom saved a couple. I am so sentimental about these things. Maybe I can dig out a picture of Oliver sleeping in them .
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Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Spring is here

Yeah, spring is here! We can finally go outside and splash in puddles and play in sandboxes.


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Lillian loooooooooooves her bibi (pacifier)

Lillian absolutly loves her bibi. The other day she must had found an extra one. She was so proud and came running in the kitchen with two bibis in her mouth. Silly girl!
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Thursday, March 4, 2010


We found out yesterday that Lillian is NOT allergic to rye, oats, rice, barley, gluten(in general). A new allergy which we have to add to our long list is peas (I guess it falls into the legumes section). She is still allergic to wheat, eggs, soy, dairy, PEANUTS, legumes and preservatives. But our food selection just dramatically expanded. We are so thrilled!!!!!

On another note
I just signed up for the Chicago marathon. My friend Kris "talked me into it"( she really had to twist my arm - ha, ha). I am exited and terrified. It will be my first marathon. It is in October. So we have plenty of time to prepare.
Here is this crazy lady who signed me up for this + her beautiful family (just love this picture).

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

It's Dress Up Time

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Visit of the Tyrannosaurus Rex

Dan, Beth, Russ and Jedd came to visit last weekend. How much fun we had!!! During supper Oliver was pretending to see dinosaurs outside the house. Uncle Dan got totally into it. Andrew took a toy T-Rex and sneaked out the house. Oliver jumped for a second as he saw a "real" dinosaur in front of his window. Silly daddy.

"My new best friend" and one year older

Here it is my new toy and best friend: Kitchen-aid Artisan 5-Quart Stand Mixers! Oh, it is just beautiful! It's a present from my Mom and Grandma (Danke Mama und Oma!) for my 3oth birthday. This machine will hopefully get me motivated to bake a bit more. Especially considering the fact that Lillian has many food allergies. Therefore we have to prepare a lot of food from scratch. This little baby will come in very handy. For those who don't know yet, Lillian is severly allergic to PEANUTS (our enemy). She also is allergic to soy, dairy, eggs, wheat, all kinds of nuts, legumes, and food preservatives.

Here is the first thing I made with my "new best Friend".

Sunflower Butter Cookies

3/4 cup sunflower butter
1Tsp flax seed mixed with 3Tsp of warm water (let it sit for 2 min)-this is a egg substitute
1/2 cup of maple syrup or brown sugar
1/4 cup honey
1/4 cup of orange juice ( I substituted carrot juice-had nothing else there)
1-1/2 cups Arrowhead Mills gluten free all purpose baking mix

Preheat oven to 350 degree Fahrenheit. Combine sunflower butter, flax seed, maple syrup, honey and juice in bowl. beat with mixer until well blended. Add gluten free flour mix. Drop dough by heaping teaspoons onto a cookie sheet, 1-1/2 inch apart. Flatten by crisscrossing with tines of a fork , dipped in sugar. Moisten fork lightly with water, if needed to keep sugar to adhere. Bake for 10 minutes.

Here are the results:

yummy cookies

happy children
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How to workout with two children

This video is pretty self explanatory. I giggle every time I see it. Andrew is just such an awesome husband and father!