Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Sorry, that it took me so long to blog again. All day long all these idea pop in my head which I could blog about. But when I finally have a moment to sit down in front of the computer my mind goes blank and I have a brain freeze. I hope that will pass with time.

Any news?

Poor Andrew threw his back out. He was in a lot of pain this weekend. I know he usually does not complain about anything, but this must have been tough on him. It was terrible to see him laying on the floor and not being able to get up. But this morning he is saying that he is all better again. Hopefully it will stay like this.

We are working furiously on our kitchen. I hate the old color, and so every spare moment we are spending in the kitchen painting. I will send out before and after pictures when it is done (if it ever get done).

Also, we are experimenting extreme cabin fever. I am sure that we are not the only ones who are sick of winter. Andrew set up an obstacle course for the kids so they could get all this bottled up energy. Oliver loves doing gymnastics.

Soooo cute! Daddy does anything for his kids.

Finally found out how to get these video on the blog again.

We did manage do go outside this weekend. Cold but fun.

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Tuesday, January 12, 2010

I just had to post this on my blog. For some reason Lillian likes to wear this specific hat when she is inside. I also dried to capture some of her "foreign language". It just sound hilarious.
Just so you know she has sweet potato all over her face- we just had lunch. I hope the video works.
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Monday, January 11, 2010

They do love each other. Even sometimes it does not feel like it.
Lillian absolutly adores Oliver. She just wants to do everything he does. She already goes on the potty, just because she sees her brother do. But she also knows how to push her big brother's buttons.
Oliver can be such a sweet brother to Lillian. The sharing part is just sooo hard!
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Oliver and Lillian are having a little tea party.
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Chocolate is sooo good!
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My first blog

I am not sure if I am going to be the greatest blogger. But I thought this would be a good way to keep my German family and friends a little bit more informed about our life. I am not the best writer or typer, so please cut me some slack if it takes me a while to update this blog.

We had a fantastic weekend with Andrew's family. The kids always have a blast at Oma and Opa's (grandma and grandpa) house. We also got to spend some quality time with Andrew's Brother Dan and family (Beth, Russ & Jedd). What a fun we had!!! You can read more about it on Beth's blog(http://playinwiththepaulsens.blogspot.com/).

She was actually the one who got me inspired to do a blog. I have been following her blog now since quite a while and it is always so much fun to read.

And yes, my little girl Lillian got her first toe nail paint this weekend! What a "important" moment in a mother-daughter relationship. I love all this girlie stuff!!!